Baltic Way 2023 is a mathematical competition which will be held in Flensburg, Germany, November 9 to 13. Teams of students from countries around the Baltic Sea, along with Iceland and Norway, are invited to take part in the competition.

Baltic Way has been organized annually since 1990, in commemoration of the peaceful demonstrations for the independence of the Baltic nations. Traditionally, the competition takes place in different countries from among the participants each year.

Baltic Way 2023 is hosted by Europa-Universität Flensburg and organised by its department of mathematics.

We are happy that Karin Prien, State Minister of Education, Science, Research and Culture of Schleswig-Holstein, has taken on the patronage of Baltic Way 2023. Please find find the welcome addresses by Minister Prien and by Prof. Dr. Werner Reinhart, President of Europa-Universität Flensburg, below.

Dear participants, dear team leaders, dear mathematics enthusiasts and interested readers,

Karin Prien

„Moin Moin“ and a very warm welcome to Flensburg for the Baltic Way Mathematics Competition, held this year for the 34th time. We are very pleased to welcome you, the best young mathematics talents from Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Poland and Sweden. I would like to sincerely congratulate you on your nomination to and participation in this competition.

The STEM subjects – science, technology, engineering, and mathematics – are the key with which we will be able to solve the greatest challenges of our time: climate change, the energy and mobility revolution, and health research. Mathematics plays a fundamental role in industrial research and development as well as in the world of business and finance. Without mathematics, many aspects of our daily lives would look completely different or not exist at all.
Here in Schleswig-Holstein, in the “land between the seas”, mathematics also plays an important role. Due to its unique geographical location, Schleswig-Holstein has developed into one of the leading hubs for the energy revolution by generating and using renewable energies. We have set ourselves the target of becoming climate neutral by 2040 and that makes us the first German state to achieve this.

Together with the three universities, nationally and internationally renowned non-university research institutions which focus on marine research, materials and coastal research as well as polar and marine research constitute the basis of our research and science system. During your visit to the Multimar Wattforum in Tönning, you will gain a deep insight into the Schleswig-Holstein Wadden Sea National Park, the largest national park in Central Europe. You will explore the historically significant connection between the Baltic coastal countries and Denmark, and visit Schloss Glücksburg.

My special thanks go to the organisers of the Baltic Way 2023, the Faculty of Mathematics of the Europa-Universität Flensburg, and in particular to Professor Uwe Leck and Professor Hinrich Lorenzen.

Only by working together can we develop viable and sustainable solutions. Therefore, I would like to wish all of you every success in the competition, but above all a lot of fun and exciting and inspiring encounters in this unique international team competition.

With my very best wishes,

Karin Prien
Minister of Education, Science, Research and Culture of the State of Schleswig-Holstein

Greeting to the International Mathematics Competition Baltic Way 2023 on November 9-13

Dear participants of the International Mathematics Competition Baltic Way 2023,

Prof. Dr. Werner Reinhart

Welcome to the Europa-Universität Flensburg (EUF), the proud host of this exciting mathematical challenge!
It is our great pleasure to welcome you all here in our wonderful city, known not only for its rich history, but also for its dynamic and cosmopolitan atmosphere.

Since 1946, the European University of Flensburg - then called the University of Education - has been a vibrant and diverse educational institution specializing in a wide range of study and interdisciplinary approaches. Our university provides space for thoughts and ideas which transcend departmental boundaries and produce innovative solutions to the challenges of our time. With an engaged student body and a modern campus infrastructure, we pride ourselves on providing an inspiring environment for academic excellence. Overall, Flensburg European University is a place of learning, openness and innovation, focused on creating and sharing knowledge to make positive contributions to society. Hosting the Baltic Way 2023 International Mathematics Competition is another example of EUF's commitment to excellence and international cooperation in education and research.

The Baltic Way 2023 International Mathematics Competition is a very special event for us. As the organizer of this challenging competition, we work closely with the Institute of Mathematics, whose expertise and passion make this event an unforgettable experience. Our own mathematics students are involved in the organization and as team guides, which shows how much we believe in the power of community and knowledge sharing. This competition, which brings together teams from ten countries in the Baltic Sea region, perfectly reflects our European focus. We are convinced that the meeting and collaboration of young talents from different cultures and countries will contribute to deeper networking and understanding in our region. The young people taking part in this competition are undoubtedly some of the best young mathematicians in their countries. Their participation in the "Baltic Way" is a testament to their impressive skills and dedication. The competition fosters not only mathematical skills, but also the art of division of labor and cooperation, which is invaluable in modern academic and professional environments.

In addition to the intense competition, the "Baltic Way" also offers a varied social program that gives you the opportunity to get to know Flensburg and the surrounding region better. We want you not only to demonstrate your mathematical skills, but also to generate valuable memories and friendships that will last a lifetime.

I am especially honored to announce that the Minister of Education, Karin Prien, has accepted the patronage of this prestigious competition. Funding for this outstanding event is made possible through the generous support of the European University of Flensburg, two ministries (MBWFK, MLLEV) and a private sector sponsor. Their joint support underscores the importance of this event in promoting education and science in our region.

I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all involved, organizers, participants and supporters.

I wish you all an exciting and enriching competition, a successful and educational experience. May the spirit of the "Baltic Way" inspire you to challenge each other, work together and go beyond.

Best wishes and blanket blessings


Werner Reinhart

Baltic Way 2023 will take place at Europa-Universität Flensburg in the north of Germany. There, for instance, the competition will be held.

During Baltic Way 2023, everyone will stay at Akademiezentrum Sankelmark, located at a lake near Flensburg. 

Baltic Way 2023 is organised by the department of mathematics at Europa-Universität Flensburg.


The leaders from all participating countries select and translate the problems for the competition, while the students can join different activities or excursions in Flensburg. 


…is Competition Day: The students work in their team on the different problems at Europa-Universität Flensburg. The leaders coordinate the students‘ solutions. 

Furthermore, there will be activities and/or excursions for the leaders in the morning and for the students in the afternoon. 


Everyone takes part in an excursion, before the results will be announced at the Closing Ceremony. 

Sponsors and partners of the Baltic Way 2023 in Flensburg are:

Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Culture of Schleswig-Holstein

Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Areas, European Affairs and Consumer Protection of Schleswig-Holstein

Europa-Universität Flensburg

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